So, instead of showing you the latest quilt I've been working on, I'll show you some special people to me.
First, here are my friends Sharon & Dolph. They came on New Year's Day to visit, all the way from the east coast. I can't believe how much I missed them until they were here. I am *so* going to have to get myself to the east coast.
He has been my friend since I was a freshman in high school. We figured out that, other than family, we are the friends that we've each known the longest. Almost 33 years. He and Sharon got married about a month and a half before Rick & I did, so next year, we'll both be celebrating our 25th anniversary. (Photo of Rick to follow.)
We were all at an anniversary party for my sister, Sheri, Jamie's mom. She and her husband had a renewing of vows and it was a very special day for her.
Here is Sheri and my daughter, Paddy.
Have I told you about my sister-in-law? Well, here she is, the other "Debbie" B.
I'm Debi and she's Debbie. Same last name, too. We are married to brothers. We used to live together, and we share the same doctor's clinic and shoulder specialist's office. She has freaked out the people at my work by calling and saying "This is Debbie B. Can I talk to Debi B?" And when we go shopping, she's always ready to pull out her driver's license to prove *my* identity. lol As you can see, we're practically twins. lol
So, even though there are no quilty photos today, at least there are some photos. Blogging will be a whole lot easier to do once I get my photos taken care of. I also have several quilts to photograph.
... maybe next time ...