The weather outside is snowy and icy and just plain nasty. We didn't have a 2-hour delay, we've had school cancelled for the last 4 days. The grandkids are loving playing out in the snow, but there's not enough snow (yet) to build a snowman and they are definitely looking forward to that. They have watched "Frosty the Snowman"
about 20 times this week, and are fully prepared to make their own snowman. The only problem is that we can't find a magic hat.
I was at the store a couple of days ago and found a new musical book about Frosty. When you open it, it plays the music and the words of the song *are* the words of the book.
It's pretty cute and, fortunately,
hasn't got too irritating, yet. :o) I believe they'll have that song memorized by the end of the winter.
Since I have a snow day today, I'm going to try and get a bunch of things finished. Of course, there's the non-holiday chores that need to be done... balance the checkbook and pay bills, but there's also, finish a couple of quilts and a set of hot pads, and make a set of curtains. And the very first item to check off of my list (after shower and dressing, of course) is to get the toys sorted that we're donating to people from
Freecycle. Paddy and I sorted all the kids' toys and made a pile of them that are still nice enough to pass along to someone else. We've been matching up the toy to a child's age/gender and letting their parents know to come pick them up. It's nice to be able to get a less cluttered house
and be able to help out others. I haveto gather and label bags of toys and then post an email to the parents. They have about a week to pick them up before Christmas, so hopefully the ice will melt enough for some safe driving.
Today, I'm thankful for time to be productive.